Friday, May 20, 2011

Hang on!! Summer's Coming.

Teachers, I Feel Your Pain!  Literally.

It's time.  We are MORE than ready for a break in the action.
Things are flying by at a fevered pitch.  Final grades, and grading.  
Parties and field trips.  Awards and ceremonies.  
Yearbooks and autographs.  Warm weather moving in.  
Your room looks like a tornado hit.  
You might even be packing up for a classroom move, new position, 
or maybe even the brass ring...retirement!!

 At the same time, it's moving too fast.  
If only we could hit the pause button every now and then.  
 In the meantime...Think happy thoughts... Look to the future... 
Picture your happy place!
My personal happy place involves a cool breeze, a hammock, and a good book.  
On an island would be nice.  
Come on.  Join me.
One day at a time baby!  
One day at a time.

Going to put on my water wings.  :)